Difference between revisions of "ViRR Application Profile"

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Line 31: Line 31:
== Describing a VirrElement ==
== Describing a VirrElement ==

=== Order ===
=== Constituent ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
Line 40: Line 40:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Order
| Constituent
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 52: Line 52:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The volume number of a resource.  
| The title of a work within a collection without a collective title.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
Line 64: Line 64:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refined by'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refined by'''
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Encoding Scheme For'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Encoding Scheme For'''
Line 73: Line 73:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| Optional*
| Optional
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
Line 91: Line 91:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| *Mandatory for volumes.
| -

=== Edition Statement ===
=== Continuation ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#edition
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#relatedItem
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| edition
| relatedItem
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Edition Statement
| Continuation
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 109: Line 109:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| information identifying the edition or version to which the resource belongs.
| Information that identifies other resources related to the one being described.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| -
| attribute succeeding
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| -
| A relation to another structural element within ViRR which is the continuation of the current structural element.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
Line 121: Line 121:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
| Property
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refines'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refines'''
Line 127: Line 127:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refined by'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refined by'''
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Encoding Scheme For'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Encoding Scheme For'''
Line 145: Line 145:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min: 0; Max: 1
| Min: 0; Max: 1;
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| -
| Free text field where the user can enter the corresponding multivolume, volume (or monograph) and structural element.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| -
| use attribute succeeding
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| -

=== Constituent ===
=== Creator ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| -
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#name
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| -
| name
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Constituent
| Creator
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 172: Line 169:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| -
| The name of a person, organization, or event (conference, meeting, etc.) associated in some way with the resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 178: Line 175:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The title of a work within a collection without a collective title.
| Any person who essentially participated in creating the resource with a specific task.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| -
| For ViRR, only persons are valid creators.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
Line 187: Line 184:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refines'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refines'''
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refined by'''
| -
| -
Line 196: Line 190:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| -
| http://www.allegro-c.de/doku/form2004/for1e.htm#xtocid408 <br/>
http://memory.loc.gov/cocoon/loc.terms/relators/dc-relators.html <br/>
only following values are needed: <br/>
Verfasser (author [aut]) <br/>
Herausgeber (editor [edt]) <br/>
Mitarbeiter (contributor[ctb]) <br/>
Bearbeiter (other[oth]) <br/>
Begründer (bibliographic antecedent[ant]) <br/>
Übersetzer (translator [trl]) <br/>
Illustrator (illustrator [ill]) <br/>
Komponist (composer [cmp]) <br/>
Redakteur (compiler[com]) <br/>
Gefeierte Person (honoree[hnr]) <br/>
Sonstige Funktionen (other[oth]) <br/>
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| Optional
| Optional*
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
Line 208: Line 215:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min: 0; Max: 1
| Min: 0; Max: Unbounded;
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
Line 214: Line 221:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| -
| The ZVDD defines a [http://dfg-viewer.de/fileadmin/groups/dfgviewer/MODS_Application_Profile_2008-01-09b.pdf List of allowed Roles (p.12)] which includes also a translation from English to German.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| -
| *Mandatory for multivolume, volume and monograph.

=== Title ===
=== Date issued ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#title
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| title
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Title
| Date Issued
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 235: Line 242:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| A word, phrase, character, or group of characters that constitutes the chief title of a resource (i.e. the title normally used when citing the resource).
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 241: Line 248:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The title of the resource.
| The date which is associated with the publishing of the resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
Line 259: Line 266:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| -
| http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| Optional*
| Optional
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
Line 268: Line 275:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Datatype'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Datatype'''
| string
| date
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min: 0; Max: unbounded
| Min: 0; Max: 1*
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
Line 277: Line 284:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| conforms to dc:title
| Is part of MODS: <dateIssued>
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| *Mandatory for multivolume, volume and monograph.
| *Also date ranges (from - until) should be possible (as e.g. for multivolumes).

=== Record Identifier ===
=== Edition Statement ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#edition
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| recordIdentifier
| edition
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Record Identifier
| Edition Statement
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 298: Line 305:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| information identifying the edition or version to which the resource belongs.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 304: Line 311:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The local identifier of the resource.
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
Line 325: Line 332:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| Optional*
| Optional
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
Line 340: Line 347:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| conforms to dc:title
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| *Mandatory for multivolume, volume and monograph.
| -

=== Numeration ===
=== Genre ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| -
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#genre
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| numeration
| type
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Numeration
| Genre
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 361: Line 368:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| -
| A term(s) that designates a category characterizing a particular style, form, or content, such as artistic, musical, literary composition, etc.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 367: Line 374:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The nummeration of the resource (e.g. chapter 1).
| The genre of a resource describes the type of the resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
Line 385: Line 392:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| -
| For structural elements: [[ViRR_Metadata#List_of_structural_element_types|List of structural element types]]<br/>
For publications: multivolume (u), volume (n), monograph (m) (based on [http://www.d-nb.de/standardisierung/formate/mab.htm MAB2 Satzarten])
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| Optional
| Mandatory
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
Line 397: Line 405:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min: 0; Max: 1
| Min: 1; Max: 1;
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
Line 409: Line 417:

=== Subtitle ===
=== Identifier ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#subtitle
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#identifier
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| subtitle
| identifier
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Subtitle
| Identifier
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 424: Line 432:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| A word, phrase, character, or group of characters that contains the remainder of the title information after the title proper
| "identifier" contains a unique standard number or code that distinctively identifies a resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 430: Line 438:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| -
| An internal or external identifier referencing the described resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
Line 466: Line 474:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| conforms to dcterms:alternative
| conforms to dc:identifier
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
Line 472: Line 480:

=== Part Name===
=== Language  ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#partName
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#language
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| partName
| language
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| part Name
| Language
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 487: Line 495:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| "partName" is used for a part or section name of a title.
| a designation of the language in which the content of a resource is expressed.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 493: Line 501:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The name of a volume which is not similar to the multivolume name.
| The language of the resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
Line 511: Line 519:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| -
| RFC 4646
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
Line 523: Line 531:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min: 0; Max: 1
| Min:0; Max: 1
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
Line 529: Line 537:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| -
| conforms to dc:language
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
Line 535: Line 543:

=== Genre ===
=== Law Type ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#genre
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#subject
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| type
| subject
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Genre
| Law Type
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 550: Line 558:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| A term(s) that designates a category characterizing a particular style, form, or content, such as artistic, musical, literary composition, etc.
| "genre" includes a genre or form used as part of a subject string when the subject authority distinguishes subdivisions of the main subject (e.g. LCSH). If describing the genre of a resource as a whole, use in the <genre> element. This is used to facilitate mapping between subject authorities that use form subdivisions. Equivalent to subfield $v in MARC 21 6XX fields.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 556: Line 564:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The genre of a resource describes the type of the resource.
| The type of the described law.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| -
| use subject.genre
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
Line 574: Line 582:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| For structural elements: [[ViRR_Metadata#List_of_structural_element_types|List of structural element types]]<br/>
| Reichsabschied, Reichsgutachten, Ordnung, Vertrag, Andere (with display of a freetext field)
For publications: multivolume (u), volume (n), monograph (m) (based on [http://www.d-nb.de/standardisierung/formate/mab.htm MAB2 Satzarten])
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| Mandatory
| Optional
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
Line 587: Line 594:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min: 1; Max: 1;
| Min: 0; Max: 1
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
Line 599: Line 606:

=== Creator ===
=== Legislature ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#name
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#subject
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| name
| legislature ("Körperschaft")
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Creator
| Legislature
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 614: Line 621:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| The name of a person, organization, or event (conference, meeting, etc.) associated in some way with the resource.
| "name" includes a name used as a subject. All subelements and attributes used under the top-level element <name> may be used. An authority attribute may also be used at this level if desired in addition to at the highest level (under <subject>). Equivalent to MARC 21 fields 600, 610, 611.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 620: Line 627:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| Any person who essentially participated in creating the resource with a specific task.
| The legislature of the described law.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| For ViRR, only persons are valid creators.
| use subject.name or subject.affiliation
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
Line 629: Line 636:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refines'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refines'''
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refined by'''
| -
| -
Line 635: Line 645:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| http://www.allegro-c.de/doku/form2004/for1e.htm#xtocid408 <br/>
| -
http://memory.loc.gov/cocoon/loc.terms/relators/dc-relators.html <br/>
only following values are needed: <br/>
Verfasser (author [aut]) <br/>
Herausgeber (editor [edt]) <br/>
Mitarbeiter (contributor[ctb]) <br/>
Bearbeiter (other[oth]) <br/>
Begründer (bibliographic antecedent[ant]) <br/>
Übersetzer (translator [trl]) <br/>
Illustrator (illustrator [ill]) <br/>
Komponist (composer [cmp]) <br/>
Redakteur (compiler[com]) <br/>
Gefeierte Person (honoree[hnr]) <br/>
Sonstige Funktionen (other[oth]) <br/>
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| Optional*
| Optional
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
Line 660: Line 657:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min: 0; Max: Unbounded;
| Min: 0; Max: 1
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
Line 666: Line 663:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| The ZVDD defines a [http://dfg-viewer.de/fileadmin/groups/dfgviewer/MODS_Application_Profile_2008-01-09b.pdf List of allowed Roles (p.12)] which includes also a translation from English to German.
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| *Mandatory for multivolume, volume and monograph.
| -

=== Place ===
=== Location ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#place
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#physicallocation
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| place
| physicalLocation
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Place
| Location
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 687: Line 684:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| Name of a place associated with the issuing, publication, release, distribution, manufacture, production, or origin of a resource.
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 693: Line 690:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The place where the described resource has been created (the location of the publisher).
| The signature of the resource which identifies the location of the resource within the library.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
Line 735: Line 732:

=== Subject ===
=== Note ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#topic
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#note
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| subject
| note
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Subject
| Note
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 750: Line 747:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| "topic" is used as the tag for any topical subjects that are not appropriate in the <geographic>, <temporal>, <titleInfo>, or <name> subelements. If there is an uncontrolled term, <topic> is used (since <subject> is a binding element). <topic> is equivalent to MARC 21 fields 650 and 6XX subfields $x and $v (with authority attribute defined) and MARC 21 field 653 with no authority attribute.
Note that form subdivisions in LCSH are coded as <topic> because it was felt that the distinction was too difficult to make.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| Free keywords describing the resource.
| A field for additional information about the structural element.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| use subject.topic
| Can be used e.g. for comments or for external links to other digitizing projects who work with the same material.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
Line 787: Line 783:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min: 0; Max: Unbounded
| Min: 0; Max: unbounded
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| Use a DDC term to classify the resource.
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| -
| -

=== LawType ===
=== Number of Pages ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#subject
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#extent
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| subject
| extent
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Law Type
| Number of Pages
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| -
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''DC Definition'''
| "genre" includes a genre or form used as part of a subject string when the subject authority distinguishes subdivisions of the main subject (e.g. LCSH). If describing the genre of a resource as a whole, use in the <genre> element. This is used to facilitate mapping between subject authorities that use form subdivisions. Equivalent to subfield $v in MARC 21 6XX fields.
| The size or duration of the resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''DC Comment'''
| -
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The type of the described law.
| The number of pages of the resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| use subject.genre
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
Line 838: Line 831:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| Reichsabschied, Reichsgutachten, Ordnung, Vertrag, Andere (with display of a freetext field)
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
Line 856: Line 849:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| -
| Is part of MODS: <physicalDescription> <extend>
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
Line 862: Line 855:

=== Legislature ===
=== Numeration ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#subject
|width="500pt"| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| legislature ("Körperschaft")
| numeration
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Legislature
| Numeration
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 877: Line 870:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| "name" includes a name used as a subject. All subelements and attributes used under the top-level element <name> may be used. An authority attribute may also be used at this level if desired in addition to at the highest level (under <subject>). Equivalent to MARC 21 fields 600, 610, 611.
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 883: Line 876:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The legislature of the described law.
| The nummeration of the resource (e.g. chapter 1).
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| use subject.name or subject.affiliation
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
Line 925: Line 918:

=== Note ===
=== Order ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#note
|width="500pt"| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| note
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Note
| Order
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 940: Line 933:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| A field for additional information about the structural element.
| The volume number of a resource.  
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| Can be used e.g. for comments or for external links to other digitizing projects who work with the same material.
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
Line 958: Line 951:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refined by'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refined by'''
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Encoding Scheme For'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Encoding Scheme For'''
Line 967: Line 960:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| Optional
| Optional*
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
Line 976: Line 969:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min: 0; Max: unbounded
| Min: 0; Max: 1
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
Line 983: Line 976:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| -
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| *Mandatory for volumes.

=== Continuation ===
=== Part Name===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#relatedItem
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#partName
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| relatedItem
| partName
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Continuation
| part Name
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 1,000: Line 996:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| Information that identifies other resources related to the one being described.
| "partName" is used for a part or section name of a title.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| attribute succeeding
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| A relation to another structural element within ViRR which is the continuation of the current structural element.
| The name of a volume which is not similar to the multivolume name.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
Line 1,012: Line 1,008:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
| -
| Property
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refines'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refines'''
Line 1,036: Line 1,032:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min: 0; Max: 1;
| Min: 0; Max: 1
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| Free text field where the user can enter the corresponding multivolume, volume (or monograph) and structural element.
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| use attribute succeeding
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| -

=== Language  ===
=== Place ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#language
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#place
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| language
| place
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Language
| Place
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 1,060: Line 1,059:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| a designation of the language in which the content of a resource is expressed.
| Name of a place associated with the issuing, publication, release, distribution, manufacture, production, or origin of a resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 1,066: Line 1,065:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The language of the resource.
| The place where the described resource has been created (the location of the publisher).
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
Line 1,084: Line 1,083:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| RFC 4646
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
Line 1,096: Line 1,095:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min:0; Max: 1
| Min: 0; Max: 1
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
Line 1,102: Line 1,101:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| conforms to dc:language
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
Line 1,108: Line 1,107:

=== Identifier ===
=== Publisher ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#identifier
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#publisher
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| identifier
| publisher
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Identifier
| Publisher
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 1,123: Line 1,122:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| "identifier" contains a unique standard number or code that distinctively identifies a resource.
| The name of the entity that published, printed, distributed, released, issued, or produced the resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 1,129: Line 1,128:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| An internal or external identifier referencing the described resource.
| The institution (publisher name) which has published the resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
Line 1,138: Line 1,138:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refines'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refines'''
| -
| http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/publishinginfo
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refined by'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refined by'''
Line 1,159: Line 1,159:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min: 0; Max: Unbounded
| Min: 0; Max: 1
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
Line 1,165: Line 1,165:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| conforms to dc:identifier
| conforms to dc:publisher
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
Line 1,171: Line 1,171:

=== Publisher ===
=== Record Identifier ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#publisher
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| publisher
| recordIdentifier
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Publisher
| Record Identifier
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 1,186: Line 1,186:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| The name of the entity that published, printed, distributed, released, issued, or produced the resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 1,192: Line 1,192:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The institution (publisher name) which has published the resource.
| The local identifier of the resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
Line 1,202: Line 1,201:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refines'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refines'''
| http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/publishinginfo
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refined by'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Refined by'''
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Encoding Scheme For'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Encoding Scheme For'''
Line 1,214: Line 1,213:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| Optional
| Optional*
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
Line 1,229: Line 1,228:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| conforms to dc:publisher
| conforms to dc:title
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| -
| *Mandatory for multivolume, volume and monograph.

=== Date issued ===
=== Subject ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#topic
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| -
| subject
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Date Issued
| Subject
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 1,250: Line 1,249:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| -
| "topic" is used as the tag for any topical subjects that are not appropriate in the <geographic>, <temporal>, <titleInfo>, or <name> subelements. If there is an uncontrolled term, <topic> is used (since <subject> is a binding element). <topic> is equivalent to MARC 21 fields 650 and 6XX subfields $x and $v (with authority attribute defined) and MARC 21 field 653 with no authority attribute.
Note that form subdivisions in LCSH are coded as <topic> because it was felt that the distinction was too difficult to make.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 1,256: Line 1,256:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The date which is associated with the publishing of the resource.
| Free keywords describing the resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| -
| use subject.topic
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Type of term'''
Line 1,274: Line 1,274:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
Line 1,283: Line 1,283:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Datatype'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Datatype'''
| date
| string
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min: 0; Max: 1*
| Min: 0; Max: Unbounded
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| -
| Use a DDC term to classify the resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| Is part of MODS: <dateIssued>
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| *Also date ranges (from - until) should be possible (as e.g. for multivolumes). 
| -

=== Location ===
=== Subtitle ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#physicallocation
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#subtitle
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| physicalLocation
| subtitle
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Location
| Subtitle
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
Line 1,313: Line 1,313:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| -
| A word, phrase, character, or group of characters that contains the remainder of the title information after the title proper
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
Line 1,319: Line 1,319:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The signature of the resource which identifies the location of the resource within the library.
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
Line 1,349: Line 1,349:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min: 0; Max: 1
| Min: 0; Max: Unbounded
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
Line 1,355: Line 1,355:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| -
| conforms to dcterms:alternative
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
Line 1,361: Line 1,361:

=== Number of Pages ===
=== Title ===
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
{| style="border:1px solid #1b90b5; "
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="150pt" bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Term URI'''
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#extent
|width="500pt"| http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#title
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Name'''
| extent
| title
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Label'''
| Number of Pages
| Title
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Defined by:'''
| -
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''DC Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Definition'''
| The size or duration of the resource.
| A word, phrase, character, or group of characters that constitutes the chief title of a resource (i.e. the title normally used when citing the resource).
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''DC Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''MODS Comment'''
| -
| -
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| The number of pages of the resource.
| The title of the resource.
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''eSciDoc Comment'''
Line 1,403: Line 1,403:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Obligation'''
| Optional
| Optional*
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Condition'''
Line 1,412: Line 1,412:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Occurrence'''
| Min: 0; Max: 1
| Min: 0; Max: unbounded
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Best practice'''
Line 1,418: Line 1,418:
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Remarks'''
| Is part of MODS: <physicalDescription> <extend>
| conforms to dc:title
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| bgcolor=#fedcba | '''Constraints'''
| -
| *Mandatory for multivolume, volume and monograph.

Revision as of 10:48, 30 January 2009

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Please enter all comments on the discussion page.

PLEASE NOTE: For ViRR, MODS will be used instead of DC (mapping DC to MODS).

Aim and Scope[edit]

The eSciDoc Application Profile ViRR-Element documents the elements used by the eSciDoc solution ViRR to describe its content entities. Additional information about objects (properties for items and its components) and structural relations between objects are also existing, but currently not considered in the AP.

This eSciDoc Application Profile ViRR-Element will be used for two different elements within ViRR:

  1. Publication (three different types exist)
    1. Multivolume (construct for several books who belongs together)
    2. Volume (part of a multivolume)
    3. Monograph (stand alone book)
  2. Structural Element
    The content of one real existing book (volume or monograph) is structured via a table of contents. This detailed ToC for the volume or monograph is created by all structural elements defined.

In the first step, the AP is meant for documenting the existing requirements for the metadata. Later on, the AP shall be transformed to RDF.

Designated community[edit]

Functional requirements[edit]

Data model[edit]

If there is an overall data model. If not, detailed data models can be found at the beginning of each application profile.

Describing a VirrElement[edit]


Term URI -
Name -
Label Constituent
Defined by: -
MODS Definition -
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The title of a work within a collection without a collective title.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -
Constraints -


Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#relatedItem
Name relatedItem
Label Continuation
Defined by: -
MODS Definition Information that identifies other resources related to the one being described.
MODS Comment attribute succeeding
eSciDoc Definition A relation to another structural element within ViRR which is the continuation of the current structural element.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term -
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice Free text field where the user can enter the corresponding multivolume, volume (or monograph) and structural element.
Remarks use attribute succeeding


Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#name
Name name
Label Creator
Defined by: -
MODS Definition The name of a person, organization, or event (conference, meeting, etc.) associated in some way with the resource.
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition Any person who essentially participated in creating the resource with a specific task.
eSciDoc Comment For ViRR, only persons are valid creators.
Type of term Property
Refines -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme http://www.allegro-c.de/doku/form2004/for1e.htm#xtocid408

only following values are needed:
Verfasser (author [aut])
Herausgeber (editor [edt])
Mitarbeiter (contributor[ctb])
Bearbeiter (other[oth])
Begründer (bibliographic antecedent[ant])
Übersetzer (translator [trl])
Illustrator (illustrator [ill])
Komponist (composer [cmp])
Redakteur (compiler[com])
Gefeierte Person (honoree[hnr])
Sonstige Funktionen (other[oth])

Obligation Optional*
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: Unbounded;
Best practice -
Remarks The ZVDD defines a List of allowed Roles (p.12) which includes also a translation from English to German.
Constraints *Mandatory for multivolume, volume and monograph.

Date issued[edit]

Term URI
Name -
Label Date Issued
Defined by: -
MODS Definition -
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The date which is associated with the publishing of the resource.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype date
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1*
Best practice -
Remarks Is part of MODS: <dateIssued>
Constraints *Also date ranges (from - until) should be possible (as e.g. for multivolumes).

Edition Statement[edit]

Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#edition
Name edition
Label Edition Statement
Defined by: -
MODS Definition information identifying the edition or version to which the resource belongs.
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition -
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -
Constraints -


Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#genre
Name type
Label Genre
Defined by: -
MODS Definition A term(s) that designates a category characterizing a particular style, form, or content, such as artistic, musical, literary composition, etc.
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The genre of a resource describes the type of the resource.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme For structural elements: List of structural element types

For publications: multivolume (u), volume (n), monograph (m) (based on MAB2 Satzarten)

Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -
Constraints -


Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#identifier
Name identifier
Label Identifier
Defined by: -
MODS Definition "identifier" contains a unique standard number or code that distinctively identifies a resource.
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition An internal or external identifier referencing the described resource.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: Unbounded
Best practice -
Remarks conforms to dc:identifier
Constraints -


Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#language
Name language
Label Language
Defined by: -
MODS Definition a designation of the language in which the content of a resource is expressed.
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The language of the resource.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme RFC 4646
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min:0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks conforms to dc:language
Constraints -

Law Type[edit]

Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#subject
Name subject
Label Law Type
Defined by: -
MODS Definition "genre" includes a genre or form used as part of a subject string when the subject authority distinguishes subdivisions of the main subject (e.g. LCSH). If describing the genre of a resource as a whole, use in the <genre> element. This is used to facilitate mapping between subject authorities that use form subdivisions. Equivalent to subfield $v in MARC 21 6XX fields.
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The type of the described law.
eSciDoc Comment use subject.genre
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme Reichsabschied, Reichsgutachten, Ordnung, Vertrag, Andere (with display of a freetext field)
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -
Constraints -


Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#subject
Name legislature ("Körperschaft")
Label Legislature
Defined by: -
MODS Definition "name" includes a name used as a subject. All subelements and attributes used under the top-level element <name> may be used. An authority attribute may also be used at this level if desired in addition to at the highest level (under <subject>). Equivalent to MARC 21 fields 600, 610, 611.
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The legislature of the described law.
eSciDoc Comment use subject.name or subject.affiliation
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -
Constraints -


Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#physicallocation
Name physicalLocation
Label Location
Defined by: -
MODS Definition -
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The signature of the resource which identifies the location of the resource within the library.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -
Constraints -


Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#note
Name note
Label Note
Defined by: -
MODS Definition
MODS Comment
eSciDoc Definition A field for additional information about the structural element.
eSciDoc Comment Can be used e.g. for comments or for external links to other digitizing projects who work with the same material.
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: unbounded
Best practice -
Remarks -

Number of Pages[edit]

Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#extent
Name extent
Label Number of Pages
Defined by: -
DC Definition The size or duration of the resource.
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The number of pages of the resource.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks Is part of MODS: <physicalDescription> <extend>
Constraints -


Term URI -
Name numeration
Label Numeration
Defined by: -
MODS Definition -
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The nummeration of the resource (e.g. chapter 1).
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -
Constraints -


Term URI -
Name -
Label Order
Defined by: -
MODS Definition -
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The volume number of a resource.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional*
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -
Constraints *Mandatory for volumes.

Part Name[edit]

Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#partName
Name partName
Label part Name
Defined by: -
MODS Definition "partName" is used for a part or section name of a title.
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The name of a volume which is not similar to the multivolume name.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -
Constraints -


Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#place
Name place
Label Place
Defined by: -
MODS Definition Name of a place associated with the issuing, publication, release, distribution, manufacture, production, or origin of a resource.
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The place where the described resource has been created (the location of the publisher).
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -
Constraints -


Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#publisher
Name publisher
Label Publisher
Defined by: -
MODS Definition The name of the entity that published, printed, distributed, released, issued, or produced the resource.
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The institution (publisher name) which has published the resource.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/publishinginfo
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks conforms to dc:publisher
Constraints -

Record Identifier[edit]

Term URI
Name recordIdentifier
Label Record Identifier
Defined by: -
MODS Definition
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The local identifier of the resource.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional*
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks conforms to dc:title
Constraints *Mandatory for multivolume, volume and monograph.


Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#topic
Name subject
Label Subject
Defined by: -
MODS Definition "topic" is used as the tag for any topical subjects that are not appropriate in the <geographic>, <temporal>, <titleInfo>, or <name> subelements. If there is an uncontrolled term, <topic> is used (since <subject> is a binding element). <topic> is equivalent to MARC 21 fields 650 and 6XX subfields $x and $v (with authority attribute defined) and MARC 21 field 653 with no authority attribute.

Note that form subdivisions in LCSH are coded as <topic> because it was felt that the distinction was too difficult to make.

MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition Free keywords describing the resource.
eSciDoc Comment use subject.topic
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: Unbounded
Best practice Use a DDC term to classify the resource.
Remarks -
Constraints -


Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#subtitle
Name subtitle
Label Subtitle
Defined by: -
MODS Definition A word, phrase, character, or group of characters that contains the remainder of the title information after the title proper
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition -
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: Unbounded
Best practice -
Remarks conforms to dcterms:alternative
Constraints -


Term URI http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html#title
Name title
Label Title
Defined by: -
MODS Definition A word, phrase, character, or group of characters that constitutes the chief title of a resource (i.e. the title normally used when citing the resource).
MODS Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The title of the resource.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional*
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: unbounded
Best practice -
Remarks conforms to dc:title
Constraints *Mandatory for multivolume, volume and monograph.

Further data[edit]

Following data will be displayed for each structural element (not for multivolume, volume and monograph), but is not stored in the application profile (as it is already stored in the ToC):

  • Start Page
Min: 1; Max: 1
  • End Page
Min: 0; Max: 1

Related Application Profiles[edit]

ViRR Encoding Schemes[edit]