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Line 204: Line 204:
|width="500pt"| http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/age
|width="500pt"| http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/age
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Name'''
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Term Name'''
| age
| age
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Label'''
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Label'''
| Age
| Age
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Defined by:'''
| -
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''eSciDoc Definition'''
Line 221: Line 218:
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Type of term'''
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Type of term'''
| Property
| Property
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Refines'''
| -
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Refined by'''
| -
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Encoding Scheme For'''
| -
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Has Encoding Scheme'''
| -
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Obligation'''
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Obligation'''
| Mandatory
| Mandatory
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Condition'''
| -
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Datatype'''
| integer
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Occurrence'''
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Occurrence'''

Revision as of 11:28, 23 June 2009

eSciDoc Solutions

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Overview · Functionalities
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Please enter all comments concerning the use cases on the discussion page.

Aim and Scope[edit]

The FacesItem is the core data within Faces. It described the items the user is looking fore (the pictures of emotional expressions of people).

FacesItems are released from the beginning. But it could happen, that a depicted person changes His/her mind and wants to withdraw his/her pictures. Then all pictures of this person will be withdrawn, which means they won't be visible any more for the (account) users (also after knowing the direct URL) but only for the administrator.

FacesItems have two states of visibility, because most depicted persons want to provide their pictures only to scientist which a research interest in them:

  1. visible for all users (only the items of six special persons: 72 items)
  2. visible only for account users (all other items)

Data model[edit]


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/
Name dcterms:
Label Dublin Core terms

Term URI http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/
Name foaf:
Label friend-of-a-friend terms

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms
Name escidoc:
Label eSciDoc terms

Syntax Encoding Scheme[edit]

String data type definition
Name <string>
Label Character string
Definition A string of ASCII characters. No formatting tags may be included. The following characters must be encoded for XML: '&' - '&'; '<' - '<'; '>' - '>'. A limited list of non-ASCII characters may be included encoded as character entities.

Integer data type definition
Name <integer>
Label Integer
Definition -

Describing a FacesItem[edit]


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier
Term Name identifier
Label Identifier
DC Definition An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
DC Comment Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.
eSciDoc Definition The internal identifier of an image.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Mandatory
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/emotion
Term Name emotion
Label Emotion
eSciDoc Definition The depicted emotion of a image.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Has Encoding Scheme neutrality, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, happiness
Obligation Mandatory
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -

Picture Group[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/picture-group
Term Name picture-group
Label Picture Group
eSciDoc Definition Each emotion of each person is photographed twice. The first picture belongs to picture set a, the second to picture set b.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Has Encoding Scheme a, b
Obligation Mandatory
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/age
Term Name age
Label Age
eSciDoc Definition The age of a depicted person at the time the photo was taken.
eSciDoc Comment The age can be calculated from the creation date of the picture and the birthday of the person.
Type of term Property
Obligation Mandatory
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -

Age Group[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/ageGroup
Name ageGroup
Label Age Group
Defined by: -
eSciDoc Definition The age group of a depicted person.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme young (19-31), middle-aged (39-55), older (69-80)
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -

Relations of a FacesItem[edit]


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/isPartOf
Name isPartOf
Label Is Part Of
Defined by: -
DC Definition A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included.
DC Comment This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model (http://dublincore.org/documents/abstract-model/).
eSciDoc Definition The FacesItem is part of the Faces Collection and perhaps also of an album.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/relation, http://purl.org/dc/terms/relation
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype -
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: unbounded;
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/hasFile
Name hasFile
Label has File
Defined by: -
eSciDoc Definition The FacesItem is stored in a File.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype -
Occurrence Min: 3; Max: 3;
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/#term_depicts
Name depicts
Label depicts
Defined by: -
FOAF Definition depicts - A thing depicted in this representation.
FOAF Comment Status: testing
eSciDoc Definition The FacesItem depicts a Person.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype -
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -

Related Application Profiles[edit]
