Faces Application Profile FacesFile

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Please enter all comments concerning the use cases on the discussion page.

Aim and Scope[edit]

Each FacesItme will be represented by three files: a thumbnail, a web resolution and a high resolution.

The Metadata Set for each file are the technical metadata already saved in the image:
color depth, creation timestamp, <image acquisition device>, <processing information>

Image acquisition device: simple EXIF Metadata (e.g. producer, model, exposure time, exposure value, exposure program, aperture, maximal aperture opening, ISO value, flash, focal distance, measurement method)
Processing information: used software, processing date and time

Data model[edit]

Faces file.jpg


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/
Name dcterms:
Label Dublin Core terms

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms
Name escidoc:
Label eSciDoc terms

Syntax Encoding Scheme[edit]

String data type definition
Name <string>
Label Character string
Definition A string of ASCII characters. No formatting tags may be included. The following characters must be encoded for XML: '&' - '&'; '<' - '<'; '>' - '>'. A limited list of non-ASCII characters may be included encoded as character entities.

URI data type definition
Name <URI>
Label URI
Defined By http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt
Definition Character string for a URI

Describing a FacesFile[edit]


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/title
Name title
Label Title
Defined by: -
DC Definition A name given to the resource.
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The title of the file.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks Related to "title" from ESciDoc File

Content Category[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/contentcategory
Name content_category
Label Content Category
Defined by: -
eSciDoc Definition The label of the representation of a FacesItem.
eSciDoc Comment
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme thumbnail, web resolution, high resolution (ESciDoc_Encoding_Schemes#Content Category Encoding Scheme)
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks Related to "content category" from ESciDoc File


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/extent
Name extent
Label Size
Defined by: -
DC Definition The size or duration of the resource.
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The size of the file in Bytes.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines http://purl.org/dc/terms/format
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype -
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks Related to "extend" from ESciDoc File


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/format
Name format
Label Content Category
Defined by: -
DC Definition The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource.
DC Comment Examples of dimensions include size and duration. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the list of Internet Media Types [MIME].
eSciDoc Definition The MIME-Type of the uploaded format.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme dcterms:IMT (= Internet media type of the resource, for valid values see http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/)
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype -
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks Related to "format" from ESciDoc File


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/accessRights
Name accessRights
Label Access Level
Defined by: -
DC Definition Information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status.
DC Comment Access Rights may include information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security, or other policies.
eSciDoc Definition The access level of a file.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines http://purl.org/dc/terms/rights
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme public (visible for all users), intern (only visible to account users) ESciDoc_Encoding_Schemes#Access_Rights_Encoding_Scheme
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype URI
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remakrs Related to "access rights" from ESciDoc File


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/identifier
Name identifier
Label identifier
Defined by: -
DC Definition An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
DC Comment Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.
eSciDoc Definition The persistent identifier of the file if the item is released. Handle prefix +item ID+fileID.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme Handle prefix +item ID+fileID.
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype URI
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks Same as "identifier" in ESciDoc File


Term URI -
Name -
Label Width
Defined by: -
DC Definition -
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The width of an image in pixel.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype integer
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI -
Name -
Label Hight
Defined by: -
DC Definition -
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The hight of an image in pixel.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype integer
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -

Horizontal Resolution[edit]

Term URI -
Name -
Label Horizontal Resolution
Defined by: -
DC Definition -
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The horizontal resolution in dpi (dot per inch) of an image.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype integer
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -

Vertical Resolution[edit]

Term URI -
Name -
Label Vertical Resolution
Defined by: -
DC Definition -
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The vertical resolution in dpi (dot per inch) of an image.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype integer
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/created
Name created
Label Date Created
Defined by: -
DC Definition Date of creation of the resource.
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The timestamp (date and time) of the creation of an image.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Mandatory
Condition -
Datatype date
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks Related to "created" from ESciDoc Publication

Image Acquisition device[edit]


Term URI -
Name -
Label Make (Gerätehersteller)
Defined by: -
DC Definition -
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The make of the used image acquisition device for an image.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI -
Name -
Label Model (Kameramodel)
Defined by: -
DC Definition -
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The model of the used image acquisition device for an image.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -

Color Depth[edit]

Term URI -
Name -
Label Color Depth (Farbtiefe)
Defined by: -
DC Definition -
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The color depth of an image (dependent from the used acquisition device).
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype interer
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -

Color Scape[edit]

Term URI -
Name -
Label Color Scape (Farbdarstellung)
Defined by: -
DC Definition -
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The color scape of an image (dependent from the used acquisition device).
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme sRGB, ...
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI -
Name -
Label Flash
Defined by: -
DC Definition -
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The usage of a flash during taking a picture.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme yes, no
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -
Remarks -

Shutter Speed Value[edit]


Term URI
Defined by: -
DC Definition
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -

Exposure Program[edit]

Belichtungsprogramm Manuel, automatic

Term URI
Defined by: -
DC Definition
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -

Focal Length[edit]


Term URI
Defined by: -
DC Definition
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -

Aperture Value[edit]

F-Nummer, Blendenöffnung

Term URI
Defined by: -
DC Definition
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -

ISO Value[edit]

Term URI
Defined by: -
DC Definition
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -

Metering Mode[edit]

spot. pattern

Term URI
Defined by: -
DC Definition
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Refines -
Refined by -
Encoding Scheme For -
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Condition -
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1;
Best practice -

Related Application Profiles[edit]

