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| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Range'''
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Range'''
| [[ESciDoc_ReviewMethods_VES|ReviewMethod Vocabulary Encoding Scheme]]
| Literal
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Refines'''
| bgcolor=#CEE3F6 | '''Refines'''

Revision as of 14:24, 25 October 2010

eSciDoc Solutions

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This document specifies the metadata set used by the eSciDoc PubMan solution to describe resources (or items) of content type "publication". All eSciDoc items consist of sub resources, i.e. one or many metadata records and zero or many component (= files). Each eSciDoc item of content type "publication" requires one metadata record in accordance to this application profile.

Aim and Scope[edit]

PubMan is a solution for depositing formal and informal scholarly publications which are relevant within a specific context, e.g. to collect the scientific output of a research institute. The solution supports three major usage scenarios: depositing content (e.g. via manual submission or ingestion), managing content (e.g. to enrich the available metadata) and (re-)using content (e.g. via search/browse or harvesting).

PubMan has a focus on publication management within an institutional context which requires that creators can be associated with affiliations. In addition, the solution is not restricted to a specific discipline.


Please enter all comments concerning the use cases on the discussion page.

eSciDoc PubMan Description Template: Publication[edit]

Literal Statement Templates (Properties)[edit]


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title
Label Title
Term Name title
DC Definition A name given to the resource.
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition Title of the described item.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Language Constraint yes
Obligation Mandatory
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Alternative Title[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/alternative
Label Alternative Title
Term Name alternative
DC Definition An alternative name for the resource.
DC Comment The distinction between titles and alternative titles is application-specific.
eSciDoc Definition Alternative titles of the publication, e.g. translations of original title or sub-titles.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Language Constraint yes
Refines http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min:0; Max: Unbounded
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier
Label Identifier
Term Name idenitfier
DC Definition An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
DC Comment Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.
eSciDoc Definition An identifier referencing the described item, e.g. the ISBN, Report-Number.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Refined by -
Has Encoding Scheme http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/ves/identifier-types/
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: Unbounded
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/publisher
Label Publisher
Term Name publisher
DC Definition An entity responsible for making the resource available.
DC Comment Examples of a Publisher include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Publisher should be used to indicate the entity.
eSciDoc Definition The name of the institution who has published the item.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Language Constraint yes
Refines http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/publishing-info
Obligation Mandatory
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/place
Label Place
Term Name place
eSciDoc Definition Place where described item has been published.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Language Constraint yes
Refines http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/publishing-info


Refined by -
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/edition
Label Edition
Term Name edition
eSciDoc Definition The version of the described item.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Refines http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/publishing-info
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/created
Label date created
Term Name created
DC Definition Date of creation of the resource.
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The date when the publication was created.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Refines http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/date
Has Syntax Encoding Scheme http://purl.org/dc/terms/W3CDTF
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified
Label date modified
Term Name modified
DC Definition Date on which the resource was changed.
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition -
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Refines http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/date
Has Syntax Encoding Scheme http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Date Submitted[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/dateSubmitted
Label date submitted
Term Name dateSubmitted
DC Definition Date of submission of the resource.
DC Comment Examples of resources to which a Date Submitted may be relevant are a thesis (submitted to a university department) or an article (submitted to a journal).
eSciDoc Definition -
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Refines http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/date
Has Encoding Scheme http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Date Accepted[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/dateAccepted
Label Date Accepted
Term Name dateAccepted
DC Definition Date of acceptance of the resource.
DC Comment Examples of resources to which a Date Accepted may be relevant are a thesis (accepted by a university department) or an article (accepted by a journal).
eSciDoc Definition -
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Refines http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/date
Has Encoding Scheme http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Published Online[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/published-online
Label Date Published Online
Term Name published-online
DC Definition -
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition Date of online publication of the item.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Refines http://purl.org/dc/terms/date
Has Encoding Scheme http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Published in Print[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/issued
Label Date Issued
Term Name issued
DC Definition Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource.
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition -
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Refines http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/date
Has Encoding Scheme http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Total number of pages[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/total-number-of-pages
Label Total number of pages
Term Name total-number-of-pages
DC Definition The size or duration of the resource.
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The number of pages of the described item. Note: The pages of an item published in a bundle is part of the source container.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Refines http://purl.org/dc/terms/extent
Has Encoding Scheme -
Obligation Optional
Datatype string
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks pls. add Source.TotalNumberOfPages, see also: Talk:PubMan_Metadata_Sets

Academic Degree[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/academic-degree
Label Academic Degree
Term Name degree
DC Definition -
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The type of degree which is received with this type of publication.
eSciDoc Comment List contains: master, diploma, magister, staatsexamen, phd, habilitation, bachelor
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Language Constraint yes
Refines -
Has Encoding Scheme http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/ves/academic-degrees/
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks Clarify definition so that degree appears as a characteristic of the publication


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/abstract
Label Abstract
Term Name abstract
DC Definition A summary of the resource.
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition Abstract or short description of the item.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Language Constraint yes
Refines http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/description
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: Unbounded
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/subject
Label Subject
Term Name subject
DC Definition The topic of the resource.
DC Comment Typically, the subject will be represented using keywords, key phrases, or classification codes. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary. To describe the spatial or temporal topic of the resource, use the Coverage element.
eSciDoc Definition DDC term
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Language Constraint yes
Has Encoding Scheme DDC
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: Unbounded
Best practice Use a DDC term to classify the resource.
Remarks -

Table Of Contents[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/dc/terms/tableOfContents
Label Table of Contents
Term Name tableOfContents
DC Definition A list of subunits of the resource.
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition Table of contents of the described item.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Language Constraint yes
Refines http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/description
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/location
Label Location
Term Name location
DC Definition A spatial region or named place.
DC Comment -
eSciDoc Definition The name of the library where the item is currently located.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Language Constraint yes
Refines http://purl.org/dc/terms/spatial
Has Range http://purl.org/dc/terms/Location
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Non-Literal Statement Templates (Properties)[edit]


Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/publication-type
Label Genre
Term Name type
DC Definition The nature or genre of the resource.
DC Comment Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the DCMI Type Vocabulary[1]. To describe the file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource, use the Format element.
eSciDoc Definition The genre of a publication describes the type of the publication.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Refines http://purl.org/dc/terms/type
Has Encoding Scheme http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/ves/publication-types/
Obligation Mandatory
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: 1;
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks Maximum occurrence might be changed in the future.


Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/event
Label event
Term Name event
eSciDoc Definition Some items are related to an event, e.g. a conference or a lecture series.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range eSciDoc PubMan Event
Refines -
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: Unbounded;
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remaks -


Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/source
Label Source
Term Name source
DC Definition A related resource from which the described resource is derived.
DC Comment The described resource may be derived from the related resource in whole or in part. Recommended best practice is to identify the related resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.
eSciDoc Definition The bundle in which the item has been published, e.g. a journal, a book, a series or a database.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range eSciDoc PubMan Source
Refines http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/source
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: unbounded;
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/creator
Label Creator
Term Name creator
DC Definition An entity primarily responsible for making the resource.
DC Comment Examples of a Creator include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate the entity.
eSciDoc Definition Any person or organization who essentially participated in creating the content with a specific task, e.g. author, translator, editor.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range eSciDoc PubMan Person
Range eSciDoc PubMan Organization
Refines http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator
Obligation Mandatory
Occurrence Min: 1; Max: Unbounded;
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -


Term URI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/language
Label Language
Term Name language
DC Definition A language of the resource.
DC Comment Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as RFC 4646 [RFC4646].
eSciDoc Definition The languages of the publication.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range ISO-639
Has Encoding Scheme ISO-639
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min:0; Max: Unbounded
Best practice -
Remarks -

Publishing Info[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/publishing-info
Label Publishing Info
Term Name publishing-info
eSciDoc Definition The institution which published the item and additional information, e.g. the publisher name and place of a book, or the university where a theses has been created.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range TODO....
Refines -
Refined by http://purl.org/dc/terms/publisher
Refined by http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/place
Refined by http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/edition
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Review Method[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/review-method
Label Review Method
Term Name review-method
eSciDoc Definition The type of the scientific review process for the described item.
eSciDoc Comment List contains: internal, peer, no review
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range Literal
Refines http://purl.org/eprints/status
Has Encoding Scheme http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/ves/review-methods/
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks In encoding scheme include eprints "peerReviewed".

Legal Case[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/profiles/0.1/legal-case
Label Legal Case
Term Name legal-case
eSciDoc Definition Refers the title of court decision, court name and date of judgment. This data is relevant only for the publication type Case Note.
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Property
Domain Publication
Range ESciDoc LegalCase
Refines -
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Min: 0; Max: 1
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Vocabulary Encoding Schemes (VES)[edit]

Publication Types[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/ves/publication-types/
Label Publication Types
Term Name publication-types
eSciDoc Definition Genre type of a publication.
eSciDoc Comment -
See ESciDoc_PublicationType_Encoding_Scheme
Type of term http://purl.org/dc/dcam/VocabularyEncodingScheme
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Review Methods[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/ves/review-methods/
Label Review Methods
Term Name review-methods
eSciDoc Definition -
eSciDoc Comment -
See http://colab.mpdl.mpg.de/mediawiki/ESciDoc_Encoding_Schemes#ReviewMethod_Encoding_Scheme
Type of term http://purl.org/dc/dcam/VocabularyEncodingScheme
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Academic Degrees[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/ves/academic-degrees/
Label Academic Degree
Term Name academic-degree
eSciDoc Definition -
eSciDoc Comment -
See ESciDoc_Encoding_Schemes#Academic_Degree_Encoding_Scheme
Type of term http://purl.org/dc/dcam/VocabularyEncodingScheme
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -

Syntax Encoding Schemes (SES)[edit]

ID Types[edit]

Term URI http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/terms/0.1/identifier-types/
Label ID Types
Term Name identifier-types
eSciDoc Definition -
eSciDoc Comment -
Type of term Syntax Encoding Scheme
Version 0.1
Best practice -
Remarks -


Related Application Profiles[edit]




Related eSciDoc Encoding Schemes[edit]


  1. DCMI Type Vocabulary [DCMITYPE], see http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-type-vocabulary/"