Faces Album Management

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NOTE: Albums have been called Study Sets or - technically - Bundles before.
A small glossary for the used terms can be found under Miscellaneous.

UC_FAC_AM_01 Create album[edit]


  • Status: in design
  • Schedule: R2


  • The user wants to create an album to save his own selection out of the Faces collection.


  1. The user chooses to create a new album.
  2. The system displays the edit album mask (the metadate for an album is specified in the Faces Application Profile Album. The owner of the album and his affiliated organisation will automatically be pre-filled as creator for the metadata record assigned to the album.
  3. The user enters an album name.
  4. (Optionally) The user enters additional information about the album: further creators (family name, given name) together with their affiliated organisation and a description of the album.
  5. (Optionally) The user selects the album as active album.
  6. The user confirms the entries.
  7. The system creates the album with its metadata in the state submitted and sets the album as active album, if the user has selected this possibility. The system displays a message (MSG_FAC_AM_01). The use case ends successfully.

Actors Involved

  • Account user

UC_FAC_AM_02 Select active album[edit]


  • Status: in design
  • Schedule: R2


  • The user wants to select an album as default for adding pictures from his list of submitted albums.


  • The user is the owner of one or more submitted albums.


  1. The user chooses to select an active album.
  2. The system displays a list of all submitted albums of the user.
  3. The user selects one album.
  4. The system sets the selected album as active album. If another album has been selected as "active" before this will be overwritten. The use case ends successfully.

Actors Involved

  • Account user


UC_FAC_AM_03 Add picture to album[edit]


  • Status: in design
  • Schedule: R2


  • The user wants to add pictures to his active album.


  • An active album is selected.
  • The user is the owner of the selected active album.


  1. The user selects one picture for adding.
  2. The system adds the selected picture to the active album. The use case ends successfully.

Actors Involved

  • Account user


  • Each picture can only be added once to each album. Therefore pictures which are already part of the active album can not be added any more.
  • The user can only add pictures to an album during browsing and search (list view and detailed view). For further scenarios see UC_FAC_AM_10 Add pictures from released album to album.

UC_FAC_AM_04 Remove picture from album[edit]


  • Status: in design
  • Schedule: R2


  • The user wants to remove one picture from one of his submitted albums.


  • A submitted album is selected.
  • The user is the owner of the submitted album.



  1. The user selects one picture within the album for removing it.
  2. The system removes the selected picture from the selected album. The use case ends successfully.

Actors Involved

  • Account user

UC_FAC_AM_05 Edit album[edit]


  • Status: in design
  • Schedule: R2


  • The user wants to edit the details of an album.


  • A submitted album is selected.
  • The user is the owner of the selected album.



  1. The user chooses to edit the selected album.
  2. The system displays the edit album mask.
  3. (Optionally) The user edits the metadata values, adds new metadata values or modifies existing metadata values.
  4. (Optionally) The user de/selects the album as active album.
  5. The user confirms the changes.
  6. The system stores the changes and displays a message (MSG_FAC_AM_02). The use case ends successfully.

Actors Involved

  • Account user

UC_FAC_AM_06 Delete album[edit]


  • Status: in design
  • Schedule: R2


  • The user wants to delete one of his submitted albums because he doesn't need it any more.


  • A submitted album is selected.
  • The user is the owner of the album.



  1. The user chooses to delete the album.
  2. The system prompts for a confirmation of the deletion.
  3. The user confirms the deletion.
  4. The system deletes the submitted album and displays a message (MSG_FAC_AM_03). The use case ends successfully.

Actors Involved

  • Account user

UC_FAC_AM_07 Release album[edit]


  • Status: in design
  • Schedule: R2


  • The user wants to publish one of his submitted albums. Afterwards, the album details will be accessible for the public and every account user can view the pictures in it.


  • A submitted album is selected.
  • The user is the owner of the album.



  1. The user chooses to release the album.
  2. The system prompts for a confirmation of the releasing.
  3. The user confirms the releasing.
  4. The system changes the state of the album to released, integrated the released album to the released album list and displays a message (MSG_FAC_AM_04). The use case ends successfully.

Actors Involved

  • Account user

UC_FAC_AM_08 Withdraw album[edit]


  • Status: in design
  • Schedule: R2


  • The user wants to withdraw one of his released albums because the album should no longer be accessible via the collection.


  • A released album is selected.
  • The user is the owner of the album.



  1. The user chooses to withdraw the album.
  2. The system prompts for a reason for the withdrawal.
  3. The user enters a reason and confirms the withdrawal.
  4. The system changes the state of the item to “withdrawn” and stores the withdrawal comment. The system displays a message (MSG_FAC_AM_05). The use case ends successfully.


3a. The user canceled the withdrawal. The use case ends without success.

Actors Involved

  • Account user

UC_FAC_AM_09 Export album[edit]


  • Status: in design
  • Schedule: R2


  • The user wants to export the pictures and/or the metadata of the pictures of one album.


  • An album is selected.



  1. The user chooses to export the pictures of an album.
  2. The system displays the export album mask.
  3. The user selected one export format (plain CSV, CSV-file and pictures in ZIP-file, pictures only in ZIP-file, XML-file and pictures in ZIP-file, XML only).
  4. If the user chooses an export format which includes the pictures, the user selects one or more picture resolutions (thumbnail, web resolution 819x1024, original resolution 2835x3543).
  5. The user confirms his selection(s).
  6. The system displays the short version of the release agreement.
  7. The user accepts the release agreement.
  8. The system creates the export zip-file and makes the zip-file available for saving by the user. The use case ends successfully.

Actors Involved

  • Account user


7.a The user does not accept the release agreement. The use case ends without success.

UC_FAC_AM_10 Add pictures from released album to album[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule: R3


  • The user wants to add pictures he has found in a released album to one of his own submitted albums.


  • The user browses/searches a released album.


  1. The user selects one picture he wants to add and one of his submitted albums in which he wants to add the selected picture.
  2. The system adds the selected picture to the selected submitted album. The use case ends successfully.

Actors Involved

  • Account user


  • Each picture can only be added once to each album. Therefore pictures which are already part of the active album can not be added any more.

Additional information[edit]

Further information about an album can be found in the Faces Application Profile Album.

Further Development[edit]

Identified Use Cases[edit]

1. Extension of UC_FAC_AM_09 Export album -->R3

  • Export technical metadata

2. UC_FAC_AM_ Sharing album --> R3.5

  • The user wants to share his submitted album with other Faces users. Sharing an albums means, that other users can add and remove pictures from the album. Further on, based on a separate permission per album, the users can also edit the note pad for the album. But they can not edit the album (change the metadata), release, delete or withdraw it.
  • When sharing an album with other users, this users (name and affiliated organization) will automatically be pre-filled as authors of the album. This data can be changed manually by the owner till the album is released.
  • Shared albums are displayed in the owners workspace as shared (which includes a list of users with whom the album is shared).
  • In the workspaces of the users who share the album, they are displayed, too, as shared. This user can see all other users of this album and the owner.
  • When a shared album is released by his owner, it is still visible in the workspaces of all "shares users" marked with the suitable information (like listed above).
Open points:
  • What happens when two users wants to change the album at the same time?
The album has to be locked when one of it's users:
  1. selects the shared album as active
  2. views the shared album (because here he can remove pictures)

Further Ideas[edit]

1. Note pad --> R3.5

  • Note pad for each album where the user can save private notes (only visible for himself) in the size of about half a page.
  • When sharing the album, the user can decide, if he wants to share the note pad, too. When he shares it, the other users can read and write it. When not, the other users can not see it anyway.
  • Should be viewable for the owner also after the album has been released.
  • Open points:
  • Will the note pad be handled like a component of the album? Or like detailed metadata (similar the the description)?
  • Are albums (containers) able to have a component?

2. UC_FAC_AM_03 Add picture to album

  • With this UC the user cannot add pictures to one of his albums, but to exactly one album only. Many web tools (flickr) do it differently, i.e. allowing a user to select many "tags" (=albums) in one step. --Inga 13:57, 28 July 2008 (UTC)

3. Controlled Vocabulary

  • perhaps in a later step, the adding of authors (with their corresponding affiliations) can be based on normed files like in PubMan.