Faces Specification

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Overview · Functionalities
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Digitization Lifecycle


The prototype of Faces will be developed in several steps which will be defined in in a separate document (Faces Scope).


Detailed Specification about the different scenarios can be found here (still in progress):

Related pages:

Future Development[edit]


Following functionalities will be automatically supported by the system:

  • Versioning of a picture
  • Versioning of an album
  • Versioning of the metadata schema
  • Versioning of the collection

Because the history of versions is of no interest for the users, only the current version will be displayed. For publications, it could be interesting to view the version of the collection or a specific study set to the point in time when the publication was published. This use case will be kept in mind, but not implemented yet.

Persistent Identifier (PID)[edit]

  • The usage of a persistent identifier is only required at collection level and on study set level to allow citability of the collection and it's study sets. Individual photos are not allowed to be cited, therefore no persistent identifier is needed. (We are able to put PIDs on files as well - but we will not display them for citation.) The handle system will be used for persistent identification.


Picture annotations are currently not needed. After several experiences with the solution, it will be discussed if

  • private annotations (only visible for the creator) and/or
  • public annotations (visible for all account users) are needed.


  1. The collection Faces can be linked persistently to all online publications which base on the data of the application.
  2. The solution will only be written in English.
  3. A help functionality (case sensitive help) will be integrated in the solution.